From the Author's Desk
Read on for more information on the behind the scenes of working on this book, events, marketing, and all the other fun stuff that didn't make it into the book / found more details about while working on it.
Yes, I apologize, pretty much everything from now on is going to have exclamation marks so you can feel the excitement even if virtually - we have a title! I just received more information about the book and now know the title for the series is Around the World. And my book will be Around the World in Los Angeles. How fun is that?
So it's going to be like a guide book with each chapter covering one community and sharing some fun stuff about that specific culture as an introduction and then sharing a list of venues where you can experience the food, celebrations, arts, performances, and other activities to learn more and immerse yourself further in that culture but right here in LA. I get the feeling I am going to have no trouble finding 75 cultures to cover but finding enough information about each of them may be a tad bit of a challenge. Some communities are really close knit and sort of well represented in one specific geographic area of LA so those should be easy to cover I'd think but not all are that way so this is going to require some extra effort. Fingers and toes crossed that folks will want to talk to me but we shall see when we get there. For now I think I am just going to dive right into research to see how much I can find from online and in-person contacts and try to organize which communities I'd like to cover so that way I can gauge how much content I have and then plan for more digging around if I need to for others. I am thinking of giving myself three months to just research and do the brain dump thing right - just get everything on paper. Then use another three months to do the actual writing which should give me a pretty clear picture of where I need more research. That should bring me to the end of the year. And then in the new year, I can do a final read, factcheck stuff again and make any corrections required and then send it off to the publisher in March which is my deadline if I want this to be a fall release. That's going to be a whole nine months before my book baby goes away to production! Pray for me, I get the feeling I am going to need your thoughts and good wishes on this journey. Alright then, off I go to get this research piece moving. Come check out the update for next month and if you didn't read the first blog post on how this started then here it is - It's Official, I am Writing a Book. Ciao for now!
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