From the Author's Desk
Read on for more information on the behind the scenes of working on this book, events, marketing, and all the other fun stuff that didn't make it into the book / found more details about while working on it.
The dotted line has been signed, as they say. It's as official as it gets! I am writing a book and signed on with Reedy Press to work on the first book in their next series of travel books that are city specific. The title is sort of a working title right now so I am not going to share that but it's a book about Los Angeles and all the great communities and cultures that live here and call the city and county home. And I am going to be including different ways you can experience those cultures through their cuisine and arts and performances and celebrations. Something that I do anyway thanks to my freelance work and my magazine so I'm excited to get started!
Only a few close friends know because I am someone that likes to get things done before announcing them but I think having a few cheerleaders along the way to encourage me and be my pillars of support as I start this journey is welcome. I am not sure how much work this is going to be along with everything else I am doing but I think I am ready for a book. And glad to do it with a publisher than go the self publishing route and have to figure everything out by myself. I am looking forward to everything I will learn while researching for this book. I see a few sleepless nights coming up but we will cross that bridge when we get there. The obvious question has been how this came about - or at least that's what everyone wants to know when I share I am working on a book. Everyone being the five friends that know about this. So in my case this was a somewhat simple and straightforward process. It happened quite quickly I must say. I attended a webinar last year hosted by Reedy Press sharing about their work and how they work with city specific authors to release these travel series in different cities. Take a look at their site, it's pretty cool what they do. I know some folks personally who are authors with them from other cities. The webinar was hosted with one of the travel journalists associations where I am a member and I felt confident after that presentation to want to work with them. I am in LA which is always a great market to write about and while they seemed to have worked with other writers in the area, I felt sure they wouldn't mind a new voice so I reached out. They were quick to respond at Reedy and before I knew it I was speaking with members on their team, they sent me details of the new book they thought I could work on, I said yes, they said yes, and off to the races we are now. There's an official agreement with t's crossed and i's dotted and I now have a year just about to get everything together to them in the format they'd need to get production going at their end. Well, technically less than a year but for now I am only going to do this in phases. Keep coming back for updates. I intend on documenting this process though how well I will do it remains to be seen. And if you'd like to read any of my published work in the meanwhile then go to and also feel free to subscribe to my monthly digital magazine on See you around!
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